Ages: 7th-12th grade

Wednesday nights @ 7:00 pm

Our Goal: The goal of UnAshamed Youth is to see teen lives transformed by the dynamite miracle working power of God. We believe that the love and power of God is changing our generation to be hungry for Him and not be "ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes: first to the Jew, then to the Gentile" (Romans 1:16).

Wednesdays nights are our weekly youth meetings where we come together to feel and experience the power and presence of God; and learn important truths that are relevant to our generation. We love God and are ignited with a deep desire to share Jesus and His love with others. We have a youth group that loves to reach out, and through God, touch this generation. We are excited to meet you and cannot wait to have you with us!

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