Connection Bible Studies

Our 2018 Fall Bible Studies will begin September 23. This is an opportunity to connect with other people from Family Harvest Church and grow in a small-group setting where you can have personal interaction with fellow believers.  What a way to encourage each other as we grow in the Lord.

Don't forget to sign up in the foyer if you would like to participate in a certain Bible Study; room may be limited.

Message from Pastor David and Ms Linda Kibben: As your Pastors, it is our desire to build families that are happy, stable, fruitful and blessed! It is important to "devote ourselves to teaching and fellowship." (Acts 2:42 NLT) We are offering Bible Studies that we believe will help you in your personal and family lives. We have listed the Bible Studies below with a short synopsis of each one. Grace and Peace! Pastor David and Ms. Linda Kibben

For more specifics about each study, look at the list below.

  • Good or God? Why Good without god isn't enough

    John Bevere

    Facilitated by: Allen and Corinna Price

    Why Good Without God Isn't Enough. If it's god, it must be God. Right? These das the terms good and God seem synonymous. We believe what's generally accepted as good must be in-line with God's will. Generosity, humility, justice- good. Selfishness, arrogance, cruelty- evil. The distinction seems pretty straight forward. But is that all there is to it? If good is so obvious, why does the Bible say we need discernment to recognize it? Good or God? isn't another self-help message. This book will do more than ask you to change your behavior. It will empower you to engage with God on a level that will change every aspect of your life.

    Start Date: September 23, 2018

    Time: 6 pm

    Book (required): $11.00

    Place: The Price Home

    Length: 6 weeks

    Sign up in the Foyer ASAP

  • God's Way: Living in Peace

    Dr. LArry Hutton

    Facilitated by: Dean & Meredith Allen

    Control your feelings 100% of the time! If you are tired of living on an emotional roller coaster, then it's time to learn how to keep your emotions under complete control at all times and under all circumstances. 

    Start Date: September 23, 2018

    Time: 6 pm

    Workbook (required): $10.00

    Additional (optional) reading: "Internal Affairs" $15.00

    Place: Allen's Home

    Length: 6 weeks

  • Love & Respect: The Love She Desires, The REspect He Needs

    Dr. Emerson Eggerichs

    Facilitated by: Pastor David & Ms. Linda Kibben

    What is Love and Respect? In this Bible study Dr. Eggrichs and his wife share how love best motivates a woman and respect motivates a man. Research reveals that during marital conflict a man most often reacts unlovingly when disrespected and a woman acts disrespectfully when feeling unloved. Though we all need love and respect equally, the felt need differs during conflict, and this difference is as different as pink is from blue! Dr. Eggrichs uses humor and life examples to help couples grow their relationship with one another. 

    Start Date: September 23, 2018

    Time: 6 pm

    Workbook (required): $14.00

    Place: Kibben Home

    Length: 7 weeks